Remember when I wrote about THE DRESS?  Well, the story gets even better.  By the way, the dress I bought looks like this, only the color is eggplant.

I love a bargain as much as the next person. Probably more if the truth be told.  I love consignment shops and thrift stores, but I don’t often stop at garage or yard sales.

But sometimes…I do.  And I stopped at one that was in a very nice subdivision a couple of weeks after purchasing THE DRESS.  The person holding the yard sale had a friend that was a jewelry buyer.  She had hundreds of pieces of jewelry (most still with the tags on) priced at $2.00. 

You guessed it!  I found a bracelet that looked like it was made for the dress for $2.00.  The tag said $28.00.  Of course, I purchased a few other pieces too.

The next day I found a pair of earrings at a department store that looked like they were a perfect match for the bracelet.  They cost $1.97.  And they WERE a perfect match.

Then I found a ring that coordinated with it all…I am set for the wedding and it is next Saturday.

I may be quiet this week, but know that I will be thinking about you…the couple getting married is pictured in this post.  Please ignore the formatting issues…I tried to correct them, then I gave up!

Also, if you are looking for some gifts, then please check out the Blessings Unlimited June Clearance Sale.  Click on the link, then click shop.  The 1000 Gifts Journal is only $6.00.  The Blessings Blocks are only $25.00!  Many of the greeting card sets are on sale….check it out and save some bucks!

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