“…for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances….
I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” 
Phillipians 4:11b & 13 (NIV)
I woke up this morning at 4:22 a.m.  I tried, but could not get back to sleep, so I got up an hour later.  I was asleep before 10 p.m. so I got 6+ hours of sleep and when I am eating right and exercising, I do not need as much sleep…and I am doing better in both of those areas, so maybe I got the sleep I need.  OR…maybe I have so much on my mind that I could get relaxed again…job search, work projects, a test in class tomorrow night…
As I was laying there awake, when I decided I was going to go ahead and get up I thought, “I don’t have a blog scripture for today.”  Usually, I wake up with a scripture on my mind or something in some of my reading material grabs my attention, but nothing really did today and then this passage from Phillipians came to me.  This is a TALL lesson to learn!  “For I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” That is the King James Version of Phillipians 4:11b and that is the version I memorized as a kid.  It didn’t mean as much to me when I was younger, but as I get older, I realized that contentment is, very often, a choice.  As are many things in life.  Sheryl Crow wrote (and sang) “It’s not having what you want, it’s wanting what you’ve got.”  Maybe that is the key…being content with what I have…being content living today for today…basking in today’s sunshine, instead of worrying about tomorrow or next week’s rain.  Simply learning to be content, no matter the circumstances.  PLEASE…do not think that I am saying we should not plan ahead or not pay our bills because we are enjoying today!  I am saying, don’t borrow trouble.  I am not in control of the big picture, but I AM in control of the choices I make and how I choose to spend my time.  So…today I am choosing to spend my time being content. 
I do not know what the Lord’s plan is for my job, but I know HE knows.  I do not know the Lord’s plan for my family, but I know HE knows.  I do not know what will happen today when I get to work, but I know HE knows.  So…thank you Lord for this breakthrough this morning.  Please help me to remember to be content, no matter what.  Nothing I go through compares to the suffering you went through and I know that you and I together can handle anything.  Please, Lord, help me to continue letting go of things that I cannot control and I thank you for the progress I have made thus far. Thank you for this Easter season, the beautiful weather, the spring flowers and the new challenges I am encountering…thank you for my family and my many, many blessings.
Like my new blog design???  Stacey helped me with it…she is sooooo creative!!  She cooks, homeschools, scrapbooks, writes for a magazine…you know, one of those people that makes some of us stop and think “how does she do all that AND do it well?”  She has even written a cookbook!!
Finally, if you are interested in reading more about being content, I stumbled upon this today…I found it very worthwhile reading.
Have a blessed day!!  Ah….so glad spring is here!!


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