On Fridays, I join The Gypsy Mama for 5 minute Fridays, that is when I am not too chicken to participate. 🙂
The rules:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Meet & encourage someone who linked up before you.
Today’s word is: LOUD
I SOOOO look forward to Friday mornings! I am off work and I get to participate in 5 minute Friday. Upon seeing today’s word prompt, my first thought was…”Oh, yeah! This one will be easy.”
Well, it’s not!
The noise that fills my head can get so loud that it deafens me.
The voice that says, “you’re not good enough.” Yells loud and long.
The voice that says, “you’re too fat.” Yells even louder.
That voice that tells me, “no one REALLY likes you.” That voice visits too.
Ok, so I am not good enough. He doesn’t ask me to be good enough. Just to love Him.
Ok, so I am not skinny. I don’t have to be. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. He said so. He made me.
Ok, so no one REALLY likes me. That’s OK. Because He loves me. He sent his son to die for me.
And you know what…I don’t have to listen to that LOUD, OVERBEARING VOICE in my head!
I am already amazing…I read Holley’s book. She has some great truths in it and I believe them.
So loud voice…you can now be QUIET! I am NOT LISTENING to you ANYMORE!
Have a good weekend…
Which voice are you listening to?

I love AND like you, my dear friend.
Thanks, Kathleen! I love you too!
Oh honey- you need to read this post — the first two sentences rocked my world.
You are such an incredible blessing to me (and to many!), and I am so proud of you for declaring to the world that the voices are NOT IN CHARGE!! 🙂
I checked out Gary's post…well worth my time. Thanks for the link.
Thank you too for saying I am a blessing…I feel blessed that people even read my blog.
Have a great weekend.
Oh, Mary. I love your heart.
And I've got some doosy loud voices in my head, too!
I'll be striving with you, today, to listen to the whispers instead.
The ones that say I am worth it. loved. altogether lovely.
His voice is sweet. and can be heard loud and clear to those that take the time to listen! (yes, I'm giving myself a pep talk in your comment section)
Hugs to you! (can't wait to read the book!)
Enjoy your weekend!
Pep talks in the comment section are just fine…talk away or pep away! 🙂
I love your comment about whispers…I am going to listen for those.
Have a great weekend. The book went out this morning.
Great post Mary, and I choose to listen to God's voice….I too have some of the voices in my head and the only way to quiet them is to change who I am listening to…..You are a great blogging friend, Mary…I love visiting with you…
Oh, Nancy…you are so sweet! And so faithful to stop by regularly. You know what? That retreat house you run looks pretty sweet!!
yes! you really are amazing!! and you know what? those voices show up in my head too… so glad to see you take a stand as I try to as well against these loud thoughts that are not our truths.
Wouldn't it be great to not have to deal with these loud thoughts!
I love your honestly. So often we listen to other voices and don't even realize it. And I doubt that no one likes you…just look at the comment love. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I love comments!
Hi Laura…thanks for stopping by. You know the real kicker?!? I KNOW that the voices are not telling the truth, it is just that sometimes, I lose sight of the REAL truth!
Hi Mary! I'm sorry it's been so long since I stopped by to comment. I still read your posts as often as I can! Just wanted to add my voice to the chorus here in the comments- I LIKE YOU, sister 🙂 Have you ever heard the Casting Crowns song "Voice of Truth"? It's beauitful- you should listen if you don't know it. Here is the YouTube link: http://youtu.be/KwsvqVmFV6Y
Oh, Natalie…hello! I do know that song and I love it!! I now you are incredibly busy. I think of you often, pray for you and your test subjects 🙂 and check in on your blog when I see an update. Take care friend!