Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
I Chronicles 16:34
It is that time again.  Monday.  The day I list some of the things for which I am grateful. 
407. Four weeks off from work.
408. Projects completed.
409. Peaceful rest.
410. Coming downstairs this morning to a clean kitchen.
411. Husband that cleaned the kitchen.
412. Prayer group.
413. Answered prayers.
414. That He hears my prayers.
415. Lessons learned by family.
416. New friends.
417. Going back to work.
418. That He wants me, just as I am.
419. Great walks this past week.
420. For a new day.
Joining the gratitude community at Ann’s place.  Click on the button below to see more gratitude lists.
For some reason, I awoke with the new Weight Watchers commercial in my head.  You know, the one with Jennifer Hudson singing, “Feeling Good.”  But the only line I know is “It’s a new dawn, a new day, a new life for me and I’m feeling good.”  Today is a new beginning.  Because I work an academic year position at my place of employment, I am off during the breaks.  Today, I return to work.  Which means in two weeks I will get a paycheck, a good thing, it also means that I will have less time to do other things.  I have gotten my house mostly in order, I have exercised more, I have done better at meal planning…you know, those things that need done, but some weeks there are only so many hours in a day!  On Wednesday of this week, my Accounting II class starts.  I only hope it doesn’t require as much time as last semester.  I am hoping that now that I understand how the class works, how the tests work, etc., that I will make better use of my study time.  We’ll see…
I say all of that to say this…each day I awake is a new dawn, a new day, a chance for me to begin anew.  A chance for me to do that which my heavenly Father asks of me.  A chance to be a light for him in a dark and dreary world. 
Lord, thank you for the time I have had these past weeks.  Time to regroup and rearrange things in my life and my home. Time to rest.  Time to focus.  Thank you, Lord.  As I go back to work and school this week, please help me to manage my time in a way that I can continue getting some of these things accomplished.  Lord, thank you for the conversations I had over the weekend with a very special person.  I ask that you guide them in the decisions they are facing.  Lead them in the direction you would have them go and please give them the courage to follow Your lead.  Thank you, Lord, for the work you are already doing in this situation and for the work you will continue doing.

Have a blessed day my friends.  What are YOU thankful for today?


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