“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed,
for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you;
 I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Isaiah 41:10
What a blessing! What a promise! 
186. safe travels…again.
187. good lotion.
188. good exercise.
189. new adventures.
190. rain.
191. rainbows.
192. grilled burgers.
194. special phone calls.
195. special friends.
196. good running shoes.
197. ceiling fans.
198. summer vegetables.
199. brother-in-laws successful surgery.
200. Dad continuing to improve.
201. a fun gathering Saturday night…with special people.

We got home on Saturday afternoon from the Emerald Isle, NC.  Today it is back to work and I will find out when I get there if today or tomorrow is my last day.  Then I get to clean my house…remember last Monday’s post?
The blessings just seem to pour out from God’s hands…at times I am so overwhelmed.  Just about the time I think I am going to “lose it”…He steps in.  He picks me up.  He reminds me…“for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you.”  He will help me today.  He will help me tomorrow.  He will help always.  I just need to let him!
Thank you Lord for this beautiful promise in the book of Isaiah.  Thank you for all the blessings.  Thank you for the much needed rain, for keeping Wendy and her family safe in the storm, for all that you have done for me. 
Being thankful and actually writing down some of these things is a great reminder of all my blessings.  It is also a great way to start my week.  If you would like to read other gratitude lists or join the gratitude community, hop on over to Ann’s place.  You do not have to have a blog, you can join privately, keeping your gratitude journal just for you.  Either way…it is such a blessing to list our blessings!!
What are YOU thankful for this week?


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