“…This day is sacred to our Lord.
Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”
Nehemiah 8:10b
202. the opportunity to share thankfulness.
203. a beautiful sunrise.
204. visit with aunt, uncle & cousins – at the beach.
205. peaceful sleep.
206. work accomplished.
207. strength to say “no” at appropriate time.
208. minor traffic on busy highway.
209. making time for exercise.
210. phone calls.
211. learning new things.
212. enrolling for fall class.
213. making a “to do” list for the week.
214. letting go of stuff.
215. learning from friends.
216. learning more about Blogger.
217. learning more about fonts.
218. learning more about backgrounds. 
Joining the Gratitude Community at Ann’s place has been a rewarding experience.  Every Monday, I share some of my list.  Do you know the difference that can be made in an attitude when one focuses on the positive – what is right with life, so to speak – instead of focusing on the negative – what is wrong with life?  For me it is hugh.  Not that I don’t sometimes get bogged down with what I perceive to be wrong, but being involved with the community does help focus more on the positive.  You might want to check it out.
I know I am not the only blogger that was using a background from a popular supplier of free backgrounds.  I learned so much trying to change my background last week.  I found one on another supplier of free backgrounds, used if for several days only to have a similar notice pop up yesterday that the background I was using would disappear on August 1st!  Yikes!! BUT…this time changing the background went very smoothly.  I also learned about changing fonts and using them in my blog.  They are supposed to be visible to readers, even if the reader does not have the fonts installed on their computer.  Can you see them?
I got a lot accomplished around my house last week…this week my project is my closet and drawers.  I think I have a lot of clothing and stuff that I have not worn or used in a long time that I need to take to the thrift shop. 
What is on your “to do” list this week?  What are you thankful for???


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