Praise the LORD.
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
Psalm 106:1
His love endures forever…and ever…and ever.  I find myself thinking that being thankful just isn’t enough for all the blessings I have in my life.  Living a life of thankfulness and thankful purpose is what I am trying to do.  Follow the purpose laid out before me, the purpose He would have me follow.  One of the way I do this is participating in Ann’s gratitude community.
Adding to my list…
252. a great first week on the new job.
253. wonderful weekend in a National Park.
254. God’s beauty all around.
255. learning to accept AND APPRECIATE that which I cannot change.
256. safety while on the road.
257. wildflowers.
258. forgiveness…both received and given.
259. the liberating feeling that comes with #255.
260. new challenges.
261. beautiful sunrise.

Last week, I started my new job back at the college.  Fun week, no big challenge I couldn’t handle…this week might be different, not at work but at school – for me.  You may or may not have read and/or remember that I took at class at the community college in the spring.  I never graduated from college and I thought it would be a good time to go back.  The spring semester wasn’t that hard.  I took a Human Resources class I found fascinating and the instructor was really good.  This fall I am taking a Financial Accounting class…why?  Why that class?  Simple really…if I am going to eventually finish a business degree it is required AND it is available on Wednesday night.  A significant requirement for me right now.  It starts this week and I am having second thoughts.  Wondering if I should really be doing this.  Wondering WHY am I doing this? 

Last Thursday, John and I went camping in Shenandoah National Park.  I have mentioned before that we enjoy camping and I really love the National Parks.  We can be in Shenandoah in less than 5 hours.  The purpose of this trip was so my husband could bike Skyline Drive. Yes, all 105 miles of it.  So we left on Thursday afternoon.  Our favorite campground is at mile 22 and on Friday morning I took him back to the Front Royal entrance at mile 0 (actually the Ranger Station is 0.6) and left him.  Here he is getting ready to leave.  After we prayed together before he took off.  He prayed the most beautiful prayer for the day…Tomorrow I will share some more pictures.  The sunrise picture above I took on the way to drop John off…it was a beautiful sunrise!  I then went back and had breakfast. This was my view during breakfast…nothing but me, the Lord, the quiet and the woods…it was great! I hope you have a wonderful day and find a moment to say thank you Lord!
Lord, thank you for wonderful weekend and the opportunity to enjoy your handiwork.  Thank you for the moments of grace and forgiveness I felt and received during the weekend.  Please be with me as I go about my day…and this week. I am a bit frightened…of both the known and the unknown.  Please give me the assurance I need to know I am making the right decision OR give me a clear sign that I need to do something different.  Lord, I ask that you be with all the kids and parents starting school today or this week…homeschool or otherwise, please lead them, guide them and protect them…thank you again for the blessings in my life.
What did you do with your weekend…what are you thankful for today? 


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