Do you not know that in a race all the runners run,
but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.
I Corinthians 9:24

I am NOT a runner.  I am merely someone that walks/jogs, uses an elliptical and a NordicTrak and tries my best to get some aerobic exercise most days of the week.  I will run the occasional road race and on Labor Day – this past Monday – I did just that.  I had been sick over the weekend, but was doing a 5K (3.1 miles) with my friend Kathleen who started the Couch to 5K program in April.  This was her first race, so even though I was sick…there was no backing out.  Here is a picture before the race…

More pictures are available at Kathleen’s place.  Don’t be fooled by the low numbers!  There just under 80 people in the race, don’t know why I have number 5, I am certainly NOT an elite runner.  By the way, I wasn’t last…that is usually my goal!

Paul tells the church at Corinth to, “Run in such a way as to get the prize.”  The prize on Monday was to finish, not be last (there was one woman behind me!) and to do my best.  I did that on Monday.  When you run a race, it is easy to get caught up in the crowd, especially at the beginning.  You run faster than you should, faster that you can sustain and you tire out…you can’t finish like you hoped to.  When training, it is important to practice the pace that you are capable of sustaining on race day.  In our walk with the Lord, it is important to spend time with him, walking and talking with him so that we can run the race He has laid out for us and run it successfully.  When things get tough in life, it is then that the practice will pay off!  Sometimes, I get caught up in reading books about Him, reading blogs about Him…but not talking with Him and listening TO Him.  This is something I am working on…just food for thought.

How about you?  Are you running your race in a hectic fashion or in a controlled fashion so that you “Run in such a way as to get the prize.” ??  So that when times are tough, we have practiced and prepared.

Lord, thank you for Monday, for friends like Kathleen and her family and for M & B that came out to support us.  Thank you for legs to walk and run, for my health and for feeling better.

Have a great day!


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