Five Minute Friday…

It has been months since I joined Five Minute Friday, but in my quest to get back to writing more regularly returning seems like a good step in the right direction! Today’s prompt: HERE  Here is better than there. Where I was last year…last fall. When...

When the longing is hard…

A 5 minute Friday post… Today’s Prompt:  LONG GO After weeks of waking up with a headache and feeling like I had fog in my brain, this morning I woke up without a headache.  Without the fog.  What a gift! Is it possible that the fog that has...

5 Minute Friday…Change

  5 minutes of writing, no editing. Today’s word:  CHANGE Life seems to be a series of changes.  Growing up.  Getting married or pursuing the single life.  Having kids.  Or not.  Sometimes we flow from one season of change to...

5 Minute Friday…

5 Minute Friday…where a gang of writers write for 5 minutes on a word prompt.  No editing, no backtracking…just writing. Today’s prompt:  BEGIN GO… Jesus was a prophet without honor in his home town.  He began teaching and they...

5 minute Friday…

    Most Fridays I join hundreds of others for 5 minute Friday…you can read the ins and outs of it here, basically we all write unedited for 5 minutes on a word prompt supplied by Lisa-Jo.     Today’s word is: SMALL  ...


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