Whose standard anyway? Who is writing the script that I am following?
When I started this post, this was not the picture I was looking for in my file. But, when I saw it and the quote I had inserted, I decided it was JUST what I needed.
When did I write that? I don’t know, but I needed to be reminded of it today.
You see, I am a people pleaser. I am performance based.
I do “A” and you will like me and God will too.
I do “B” and you may NOT like me and God might not either.
I do “C” and I KNOW you won’t like me and I’m pretty sure he won’t either.
Since when? Where did I get THAT script?
I have found out that life doesn’t work that way.
I don’t get to write the plan. I don’t get to choose A, B or C. He does the directing, the only choice I make is to follow or not to follow.
Not following doesn’t usually work out so well. Oh, it might seem to work for a while, but not doing His will does not work for the long haul.
Today, I am embracing the truth that my performance
I’ll do my best to live the life He has designed, but when I fail and fall short of that goal – and I WILL fall short of that goal, because I am human – I will remember that He loves anyway.
No matter what. That is the truth I am clinging to today.
Join me?

Hi Mary, I'm visiting from Kelli's. I have to ask God every day to help me remember this truth. Thanks for this great reminder!
Thank you for stopping by!
Yes, Mary, our validation is in Christ alone–a hard thing to learn that sometimes takes many years of experience (hard knocks–smile), growing in His way, etc. The main thing is that we are trying each day to follow Him and His designs and plans for our lives–not trying to live out what someone else scripts for us.
You are so right, Dianne. It is easy for us to try and script our lives, but HE is the ultimate author.
This so confirmed for me a conversation I had today. May we so remember we are all human. We all fall short. May we offer grace the same way it has been offered to us – freely & in abundance. Grateful to be here today from Unforced Rhythms!
Offering grace as it has been offered to us…YES! Well said. Thank you for dropping by.
Isn't it funny how God speaks to us from our own words revisited? Sometimes I wish I could use a formula. It feels more predictable. But I do know God's way is better and I need only be myself. Thank you for linking with Unforced Rhythms.
A formula…yes, wouldn't that make things easy!?!? But, our real formula is designed by HIM, now if only we will follow it!
Hi Mary! Good for you for questioning your 'script'. (And you are not the only one who thinks like that sometimes either!) As humans, we are so results oriented. Work hard, nose to the grindstone and all that, and you'll succeed.
It's amazing that more people don't think the same way. But God doesn't think like I think. He loves me because he made me for himself. If I can grasp that, I'll be so much happier…just like you!
He made us for himself…YES it is such a hard concept to grasp. Thank you for stopping by.
Everyone needs to be reminded of that on occasion, regardless of how long we have been walking with the Lord.
WOW…surprised and humbled to see you here. I'm so glad you are home safely. I love you.