Being Brave…
For more than a year the Lord has been gently nudging me to do something that I did not do not want to do. Over the years I have shared bits and pieces of my personal journey through grief. But I know that I am supposed to share some deeper stories, some of the darker and most troubling moments of my journey. These pieces of my story impact more than just me. So I must carefully guard others while sharing.
The truth?
I am not really interested in doing any of this. But three weeks ago, somewhere around 30,000 feet while sitting in seat 20C, I say yes. It was as if the Lord was literally inside my head saying, “NOW! Now is the time to share. Will you do what I am asking?”
And I said, “Yes. OK, I will do it.”
Then I wanted to throw up.
While saying yes to the Lord may give a sense of peace, it also brings a great deal of fear. I have to remember that I do not walk this path alone.
Sharing this piece of me will not be easy. And it will be hard for me to stay focused. I don’t yet know what this will look like but I am stepping out in faith and being brave.
Today, I am at GraceTable beginning the journey of sharing more deeply. Join me over there where I am also sharing a recipe that uses leftover turkey!

Praying for you.
Thank you.
Praying for you
Thank you. I appreciate it.
I could relate with your words of “the pieces of my story impact more than just me”, thus my reasons for no longer blogging “MyStoryinTheStory, until HE leads me again.
I know you get it, Kathy. I am praying diligently that I can share without infringing on others.
I just read your post at Grace Table. What a devastating loss. I know that God will use your transparency in this and future posts to comfort and help others as God has comforted and helped you.
Thank you, Elizabeth, so very much.