On Fridays I try to join The Gypsy Mama for 5 Minute Friday.

I write…unedited for 5 minutes on a word prompt supplied by Lisa – The Gypsy Mama.

Today’s word:  See


It has taken me a long time to see things like I see them now.  Twenty years ago I didn’t think I could make it.  How would I survive losing her?

She was tiny.  Oh so tiny.

I ran across her bonnet this week.  Stored in a box marked “Amy’s bonnet.”  I opened the box and pulled it out.  It wasn’t the one she was buried it, it was the one she wore the day she died.

It is white, with lace and a pink ribbon.

Andy came in later the day I found the box.  He saw it.  He opened it up and held it in his hand.  No longer a little boy of four.  He is now a strapping young man of 24, 6′ 6″ tall and strong.  His big hand holding the small bonnet.  His eyes fill with tears and we talk.  We talk about her.
We cry.

Twenty years ago I saw it as such a sad time in my life. And it was sad…but the blessing from having her for just 4 short days far outweigh not having her at all.

Life has a way of – scratch that – HE has a way of making good out of bad.  I just have to accept that I don’t SEE things the way he does.  I only see the knots…


This poem was in two sympathy cards we received when Amy died…it means a lot to me.

Our lives are but fine weavings
That God and we prepare,
Each life becomes a fabric planned
And fashioned in His care.

We may not always see just how 
The weavings intertwine, 
But we must trust the Master’s hand 
And follow His design, 
For He can view the pattern 
Upon the upper side, 
While we must look from underneath 
And trust in Him to guide… 

Sometimes a strand of sorrow 
Is added to His plan, 
And though it’s difficult for us, 
We still must understand 
That it’s He who fills the shuttle, 
It’s He who knows what’s best, 
So we must weave in patience 
And leave to Him the rest… 

Not till the loom is silent 
And the shuttles cease to fly 
Shall God unroll the canvas 
And explain the reason why — 
The dark threads are as needed 
In the Weaver’s skillful hand 
As the threads of gold and silver 
In the pattern He has planned. 

—Author Unknown

Check out other 5 minute Friday posts here.

Have a great weekend.


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