5 Minute Friday…where a gang of writers write for 5 minutes on a word prompt.  No editing, no backtracking…just writing.

Today’s prompt:  BEGIN


Jesus was a prophet without honor in his home town.  He began teaching and they were amazed, yet they were offended.

This was someone they knew.  They knew his family.  When, where and how did he know these things?

They were used to seeing him around town.

He was familiar.

They were comfortable in the ordinary.  

They did not see that he was the Son of God.

That He was special.

That He was extraordinary.

That He WAS who he was.

They missed it, because it was before them all time.  All along it was there.

How many times do I miss the miracle of Jesus in my ordinary, everyday, run of the mill life?

I suspect quite often.

Jesus, help to open my eyes and BEGIN to see your work
 in the ordinary, everyday happenings.  
May I BEGIN to recognize that these 
things are truly the work of your hands.


Do you miss His hand in the ordinary events?

I got interrupted in the middle of writing, literally in the middle of the 5 minutes.  My thoughts were disjointed after that and it is taking all I have to push the publish button.

Read other 5 Minute Friday posts on BEGIN here.



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