There is this
great encourager in the blogosphere named Lisa-Jo Baker.  On Fridays
she writes, unedited for 5 minutes and invites others to join her in the
quest to write without fear of anything…just write.  Most weeks I
play along.

If you have never participated, give it a try.  The rules are simple.  Check them out and get the button code here.

Five Minute Friday

Today’s prompt:  DIVE

Diving Maldives:Smallscale Scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis oxycephala)
image credit

I have started several times now to write about dive…but I can’t come up with any words that make sense.  To me…or to you.

Dive…dive into the water.  High dive.  Nose dive.  Scuba dive.

Scuba dive…deep into the water to see what treasures lie below the surface.  What lies on the ocean floor that cannot be seen unless you DIVE down to see it?

I image a lot of things are down there…treasures just waiting to be found and I don’t mean money or jewels.

I wonder what treasures are waiting for me in my life if I will just DIVE into life like He wants me to.  Dive into his word.  Dive into my prayer life.

Dive in…find the treasures.  Dig them up.  Bring them to the surface and check them out in the daylight.

You know, Holley and a group of bloggers are writing about their dreams.  I sent Holley a message…I don’t even know what my dream is.  She responded with wise words.

So, I will dive into life.  Dive into what I have and maybe, just maybe I’ll find a treasure buried below the surface.        


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