It’s that time again…when I join Lisa-Jo and hundreds of others in writing 5 minutes…unedited.  Yes, I said UNEDITED.

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Five Minute Friday

Today’s prompt:  


Little did I know when I joined this world of blogging that I would find friends.

And a community.

And a safe place to just be me.

Me in all my messiness.

And I would be welcomed by many, many people…most of whom I will never meet in real life.

Oh that the rest of life could be so welcoming!

Joining this space…blogging in general…not 5 minute Friday…was one of the best things I have ever done for my spiritual growth.  It has made me step up to the plate…spend more time in the word, pray, journal, memorize scripture.

All because I joined in…and I really didn’t know much about blogging when I did it!  Truth be told, I STILL don’t know much about blogging.

Or social media

Or how to do a lot of other things, but I know that joining is good.  You can’t grow if you don’t join in.  

Wake up, show up for life and JOIN in the party…

it’s what HE would want me to do…I’m sure of it.

Read other 5 minute Friday posts on “JOIN” here.


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