On Fridays I try to join The Gypsy Mama for 5 Minute Friday.
I write…unedited for 5 minutes on a word prompt supplied by Lisa – The Gypsy Mama.
Today’s word: Opportunity
Please…another word that makes me dig. Deep. But I have a clue for this one.
As I am coming out of my writing funk…the dry desert land I have been wandering in for more than 2 months I can look back now and see it as an opportunity.
An opportunity to wait upon Him.
An opportunity to explore some things that needed attention in my life.
An opportunity to step back and regroup.
What did I learn while travelling this road?
That people are still there for me…waiting to read whatever I post. At least a few people are still there! 🙂
That HE never leaves me. I knew this. I just needed to be reminded.
That HE will supply all my needs. More on this later. He has been doing some amazing things in my life.
That I don’t need to know what is around the bend, I just need to trust Him.
Check out other 5 minute posts here.
Have you experienced a rough patch disguised as an opportunity? Let me know in the comments.
Pictures and links added after 5 minute time limit.
Have a great weekend!

Do you have a different blog? Your face in your photo looks familiar, but the blog title seems new, because I was struck by it, thinking — I love it!
We all need those breaks, and they are opportunities for things we cannot guess sometimes — opportunities we have sometimes seized without even realizing!
No, Sylvia I don't have another blog. Maybe our paths have crossed along the way?
You are right…we need breaks and they do keep me guessing!
I love this. Breaks are so nice. We all need one once in a while! Thank you for visiting me at His Pen on My Heart!
You are welcome Tereasa! Enjoyed my visit to your place!
This is brilliant. To be able to write so well in 5 minutes without preparation. Well done.
God bless.
Thank you, Victor.
Waiting with expectation–this is a good thing. 🙂
Waiting can be so hard. 🙂
Hi Mary,
"An opportunity to wait upon Him." I love how you stated this! I know I want to wait on Him, but I guess I never thought of it quite like this…as an opportunity.
"That I don't need to know what is around the bend, I just need to trust Him." Oh boy, this is one I need to work on…giving up my "need" to know what's coming.
Thank you for sharing this!
In Christ,
Laura, thanks you for this comment. Glad to know it was helpful to you.
I love your 5 minute Fridays! Tried it and it was a disaster-ha ha–I am too much of a thinker, I "think."
Glad to see you are back.
Love you!
Oh my friend, it probably was only a disaster in your eyes!!
Sounds like you listened and waited even when it was hard. Now … on to new opportunities. Yeah.
I can be quite impatient…and waiting is hard.
I'm still here, Mary, even though I rarely get to comment these days. Glad you are coming out of a dry season and seeing what He has done in it already 🙂
Hi Natalie!!! I know you are busy with your kids. It is SO nice to hear from you.
Hugs my friend!!