5 minutes of writing, no editing.
Today’s word:  CHANGE
Life seems to be a series of changes.  Growing up.  Getting married or pursuing the single life.  Having kids.  Or not.  Sometimes we flow from one season of change to another.

Sometimes it is a bumpy ride.
Change isn’t my favorite thing.  Unless I am getting new clothes or shoes!
If I buy new furniture, it will stay in the same spot for months, even years.
One thing I am working on is embracing the season I am currently in.  Wanting what I have, rather than wanting what I don’t.
Embracing today, rather than looking to tomorrow.
Embracing this struggle, rather than looking at someone else and envying their life.
You see, I can only see what that other person WANTS me to see.  And it may not be reality.
So, I will want what I have, not what I don’t.

I will embrace today and not look tomorrow.
I will remember that often change…brings hope.  
You can read other 5 Minute Friday writings on CHANGE here.
Five Minute Friday - 4



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