This morning I moved my laptop to the kitchen table; hopefully, I won’t spill my coffee today, but if I do, it will be less of a mess! Maybe tomorrow I will have the courage to work in the office again. After spilling my coffee yesterday, I got to work and hit my head…REALLY HARD…on a sharp corner. I no longer have a headache, but the bump still hurts! I am thinking today is surely going to be a better day!

Yesterday afternoon my husband and I took dinner to a family that had a new baby last Friday morning. Nothing fancy, chicken soup, bread and a variety of Christmas cookies, but this baby was so tiny and precious looking. The baby had more black hair on its head than any baby I had seen in a very long time. The baby wasn’t a preemie, but was incredibly tiny…are all babies that tiny and I just forgot? After all, it has been almost 18 years since I had a baby, so it is certainly possible that I don’t remember.

During this season when we celebrate the birth of our Lord, yesterday made me think about Jesus’ birth…was he a tiny baby? Did he have a lot of hair? Did he sleep well or did he cry all night? It is an incredibly thing that our Lord “was made flesh and dwelt among us” John 1:14. He became human…so that he could be the sacrifice for our sins, thereby giving us the opportunity of everlasting life…John 3:16.

By the way, on Monday, I DID use the elliptical for 20 minutes….OK, that isn’t a long time, but it is a start! Yesterday I didn’t get any exercise – my fault for not arranging my schedule to allow for it. Therefore, my eating wasn’t as good either…I find the two go hand in hand…I get a good workout in and my eating is better that day. Today, it is colder and I may try to use the equipment downstairs again. Today, I am also hoping to get some cleaning done around the house, at least the downstairs.

Lord, thank you for another beautiful day, the sun is shining and the sky is blue. Help me, please Lord, to get done some of the chores that I hate doing, but I know I will feel better once they are done. Thank you for your son that came so many years ago as a tiny baby, born in a stable…may I never forget the sacrifice you made, giving of your son so that I might have eternal life. Thank you, Lord.



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