may only be two letters.  But it carries a lot of weight.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
I John 1:9
In today’s reflection in Grace for the Moment by Max Lucado, Max writes “for confessing sins – admitting failure – is exactly what prisoners of pride refuse to do.”  Ouch.  I am SO that person.  I like to be RIGHT. I do not like to FAIL.  It is very hard for me to say I was WRONG.  But I am. A lot.  I am working on this flaw in my character…some days are better than others.  It is human to look around and try to justify our actions.  After all, I am not as bad as her or him.  Justify.  Rationalize.  Explain away.  This is not the same as CONFESSING. 

Lord, I am wrong and I know it. Please give me the courage to admit it and ask for forgiveness.  Please help me to work on this aspect of my character.

We were in Great Smoky Mountain National Park this past weekend.  We camped in Cades Cove Campground.  It was a beautiful weekend.  I was going to put in a couple of pictures, but I cannot get them uploaded and I have to get ready for work.  I will have to work on that later.


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