This is one of my favorite scriptures. And this one…
When I recognize – really BELIEVE and focus – on these passages, there is nothing that can get me down.
I like that the NIV uses the word “anxiety” in I Peter 5:7 because I get anxious. I get nervous trying to manage things on my own. Anxiety is a word to which I can truly relate.
It is easy for me to get caught up in the cares of this world. For things to get busy.
And loud.
And heavy.
And tiresome.
And, well…you get the picture. It is very easy during these times to forget where my strength comes from and to try and carry the burden all by myself.
It is easy to forget that I have an ever-present help.
Lord, please help me remember that you can and will carry the burden. And that you are my true strength.
How about you? Do you try to carry your own burdens?
Thank you for posting these verses today. I needed to meditate on them and remember that he wants to carry my burdens.
Oh Mary . . . found you through Write It, Girl, and God could not have brought your post at a better time. How I need these verses today. Thank you, thank you!
Oh Mary, not only do I carry my own burdens, but I play tug-of-war when He asks to take them from me! Why would one do that???
So thankful you shared your heart so mine could be stirred… thank you!
(and I'm so excited to win the giveaway! eeek! thank you!)
All for Him,
I carry my own burdens when I forget that I don't have control, only God does. Once I accept that truth, I'm able to hand it over to God and trust Him with the details.
Yes, Mary, it's easy to forget that God is our source of all strength and power. I tend to give him my anxieties and then just like I yoyo, take them back.
Thank you for this message of hope today.
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Why is is that we receive so much rest and comfort, then insist on taking our burdens back again?
wow, I needed this today. thank you