Surely I could figure this out! Surely the way to go, the path to take would become clear. Yet, everywhere I turned it was the wrong way. Every time I started down a path it was a one way street and I was going the WRONG way.
I was going to stay put for a while, but I did not think I could do it indefinitely without some guidance. I could not continue going the wrong way on one way streets.
Luckily, I did not have to. Last Friday, I found out that my troublesome situation at work will be resolved and next semester will be different. I don’t know exactly how, but my job will be structured differently and I get to continue working for the person with whom I have a great working relationship.
A big answer to a big problem. AND…it was the answer that I wanted, I am So. Very. Happy! And relieved.
I penned the above words back in April of this year.
And then I sat on them.
And then things changed.
On July 9th I found out that my job would not be structured differently. Things would remain the same. The academic programs I’d supported in the spring semester would still be supported by one admin and the job was mine if I wanted it. But I could not and would not return to that job while it was structured in the same manner. I could not and would not put myself through that again.
The first time I had no choice and no idea that it would be like it was…to agree to do the job again, under the same circumstances would not be a wise choice.
There are other part time jobs available on campus. I’ve applied for a couple and been interviewed for one of them. The other one isn’t interviewing for a few more weeks.
I am back to the one way/wrong way kind of street.
Not sure what I’m supposed to do, but knowing that change can be is painful, I’ll hold on and see what happens. You see, I don’t do change well. I prefer that it keep it’s distance, unless of course it is change that I orchestrate. Change that I plan. Change that I want.
This situation is none of that. So I will wait.
While I am waiting I have been blessed with a gift…I had an opportunity to receive an Advance Reader Copy of Kristen Strong’s book Girl Meets Change. It is truly helping me through this difficult time. If you have trouble with change and have not already ordered this book, please consider doing so. It releases in September and is just $10 and change. Kristen writes with clarity, honesty and authority…having lived through change herself. It is truly a gift to read it at this point in my life. Click the picture below (an affiliate link) to purchase the book on Amazon. I promise…you will not be sorry!

Change is hard………..I'm not good at it either……….but I know God is going before you on those streets and He will make a way where there appears to be no way. Love you!
And I take great comfort in knowing that he goes before me! Yes!! Thank you for that reminder, Dianne.
I was so excited when I read the first half and then….
Well, I am like you and don't like change either. I hope you hear something that looks like a position you would orchestrate yourself so that the change is bearable.
Sending prayers to you my friend.
Thanks for the prayers.
Thar's a ton o'wisdom in them thar words…
I abhor change as well; I wanted to work as a back-bench academic until I died.
But alas, God saw things differently, and I have backed into writing a book that will tentatively be called "The Long Goodbye – Caring for a Dying Spouse".
From the dying spouse's perspective, one I would prefer not to have, but God Disposes.
Although I will have an energetic chat with Him when we're face-to-Face.
Anything you want me to mention?
Not sure about wisdom, Andrew…but it is certainly the way I feel! Thanks for stopping by.
I have learned to embrac change. I have never been one to enjoy doing the same thing over and over again. I do not have a favorite season, in fact, the beginning of every season is my favorite time of year as I anticipate what changes God brings into my life.
The beginning of every season is my favorite…I LOVE that, Kathy!!
I love that you differentiate between change WE want, and change that happens to us. It does make a difference. I've definitely noticed that in my own life too. Praying that your change will turn out to be positive!
Thanks for the prayers, Lisa.
Mary, certain kinds of changes are hard for me and others not so much. But what is hard for me is to sit tight until I get further direction. God is never late though and I am sure He will be there with your needed information just at the right moment….
The waiting IS hard, Nancy. But you are right, God is never late! Hallelujah!!