Kate Adams is the main character and her friend and mentor, Dolly, has died. Dolly’s death has been ruled a suicide and the opening sentence of the book has Kate marching into the police station demanding to know why the police let the editor of the local paper publish a headline “Herbal Researcher’s Death Ruled Suicide.” Kate insists that Dolly would not commit suicide because of her faith but also because, as a scientist, she would not accidentally ingest poison. Kate demands the police reopen the case and says if the police will not investigate, then she will conduct her own investigation.
While at times Kate’s investigating seemed a bit too much and hard to believe, overall the story was enjoyable and kept me guessing. Tom Parker is the lead detective on the case his dad, Keith, is a retired policeman. I enjoyed both of these characters very much.
I don’t want to give away the details, but this book contained a mystery, a love story, suspense, a Christian message of redemption and grace, and a surprise ending!