Last night I began thinking about what I wanted to post today.
Nothing felt right.
Nothing sounded right.
I felt as if I had no inspiration. Nothing worthwhile to say or share. Still nothing this morning…then I remembered this…
I love this wording. God is ahead of me. Not behind me. But in front of me…blazing the trail. HE HAS IT COVERED. HE IS IN CONTROL. HE’S GOT THIS. I need to let it go. Let it ALL go and let HIM take control.
You know, HE really is BIG enough. HE can handle it.
Lord, thank you!! As you know, Lord, I have been working on some certain character flaws, I have asked for you guidance and your patience with me. I am working hard to overcome some serious doubts and issues and I am beginning to see the light Lord. Please continue working in my life, continue helping me get through the muck and the mud. Thank you for the work you are doing.
I hope you have a great day…do you ever struggle with letting Him lead?

Ever? How about constantly? I have a sign on the windowsill in front of me that says, "I'm not a control freak. I just happen to know what's best for everyone."
Following God, not knowing where he's taking me, or even what the next step in the plan is–scary stuff. Unless He is truly good.
So well said, Mary! Great inspiration for a Monday.
Do I struggle? I am in a wrestling match!!! 🙂 I want God to win.
Yes, I think most of us do–but thanks for the encouragement and transparency and especially the scripture–I love it and YOU!!!!!!
See what I mean? You are my spiritual cheering squad!
When I think of the other alternatives, like following someone who doesn't know how to lead or following my own whims and ways, I don't have a problem letting the Lord lead me. He knew me before I was here (Psalm 139) HE knows me now and for sure knows what is best for me.