Sometimes I am full of fear. The kind that makes my stomach rumble, my head hurt, my heart race. I am afraid that things will not work out…whatever those “things” may be. If I am not careful, the fear will take over. A few months ago I shared this post and my favorite prayer app. Just the process of writing those words and sharing publicly that I was struggling helped me to take a step forward.
It helped me try and get out of the unhealthy place of fear. The place of listening to the Father of Lies. I feel like it is wrong to capitalize that name, but it IS a name. And Elizabeth left an encouraging comment, reminding me that I am not alone.
Moving from that place is a slow process. I don’t know that I will ever completely move away from this place. I think I may always carry some aspect of fear with me.
But I can make small changes that help along the way. That help me to cope with the fear and move on to a place of hope.
One of thing that works well for me is to stay in the Word and pray often. And that is often easier said (or typed) than done. But I do my best.
I have found that using a prayer journal is helpful too. And while I’m not always faithful about using it, when I do it helps. I have tried different methods and I looked at many different ones online. There are a lot of free printables on the Internet for prayer journals, I found this one that I am trying these days.
No matter what we face in life, we find our strength in Him.
We find our strength in the one who shelters us in his wings.
The one who knew, long before we were born, that we would walk through difficult times.
The one who knew that we would experience hopelessness and fear is the same one who longs for us to lean into his loving embrace and trust him.
“He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.”
Psalm 91:2
What problem or trouble are you facing today?
How can I pray for you?
My friend, Kris Camealy, released a new book this week. You can read about it and enter her giveaway here. (Entries accepted until midnight Friday, October 21, 2016)
DaySpring is offering $20 off any $60 purchase. Offer expires December 31, 2016. (affiliate link)
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I love the fall decor!
I have several scriptures about not being afraid or worried, about being courageous, that I’ve made into faith statements using my own words. I have to fill my mind with them and say them aloud to combat the lies of the enemy.