Some weeks I feel like I can barely hang on until Friday…but I made it.
This blog has been an incredibly interesting journey for me.  I have learned much about myself and I am so thankful for the “blog” friends I have made.  This has really been a blessing in my life.  Thank you for being a part of it!  No, I am not about to announce that I am quitting…just wanted to share and say thank you.
John & I will be leaving this afternoon to spend the night near the airport.  Tomorrow we will be flying to Colorado and will return home on the 28th, so my blogging may be sporadic next week…but isn’t it sporadic every week since I started working 5 days a week!?!?  We will be meeting my sister & her family (hubby & 2 kids, 17 & 12) for the week.  While it is a vacation of sorts, we own a condo in a resort area and are going so we (John, actually) can do some painting and also to attend the homeowners meeting.  There are some owners that want to do some extensive updates that are really not necessary…like changing roof lines.  I am all for updating siding or new windows…you know, things that should be done to maintain the building.  Changing a roof line for the amount of money they are asking per unit (only 12 units & asking LOTS of $$$ per unit!) doesn’t seem reasonable.  Hopefully, the meeting will go smoothly and we can all agree on something.  We will be back on the afternoon of the 28th.  We will do a few “vacation” type things too…anyway, I may be “in and out” next week and if you don’t see me on your blogs, no worries…I will be back!
That said…two things have really touched me this week.  If you have not read Ann Voskamp’s post from Wednesday on marriage, it is worth your time.  I think she has a special talent when it comes to writing; I encourage you to check it out.
The second thing I heard on the way to work while listening to the radio.  I often do not have the radio on while driving to work…just use the quiet time for that…praying and listening.  But yesterday I was listening to the gospel station (when it would come in clearly) and “The Father’s Love Letter” was read aloud.  Check it out…I found it moving. Lord, I thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts on this blog.  Please bless the people who stop here…even for a moment, just passing through.  Thank you for my blessings, especially the gift of your Son and the gift of salvation.  Thank you for my husband and our marriage…thank you for Andy, please bless him and keep him safe.
I hope you have a peaceful and restful weekend…what are your plans this weekend?


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