On Fridays I join The Gypsy Mama for her 5 minute Friday link-up.  She gives a word prompt and I write.

The rules:

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Meet & encourage someone who linked up before you.

Today’s word: GIFT


It didn’t seem like a gift at the time.  All the tears.  All the sorrow.

Planning a funeral – not a gift.

Burying a baby child – not a gift.

Having tons of people tell you how sorry they are – not a gift.

No, none of it seemed like a gift at the time.

They say time heals all wounds.  I don’t believe that.  This is a wound that doesn’t really HEAL, it just gets different.  It no longer bleeds, it no longer oozes constant sorrow.  But occasionally after almost 20 years it still sheds a tear or tears and the sorrow wells up.

What is a gift is that HE planned it.  HE knew what was going to happen and gave me the courage to travel the path back to Him.  To believe that all is not lost.  All is not in that grave.

Life experiences make us who we are and I am forever grateful for the 9 months I carried her, the 4 short days she lived and the almost 20 years that I remember her.

I feel differently about life because of the gift.  I see things differently because of the gift.  I cherish things in a way I wouldn’t have because of the gift.

Thank you, Lord for the gift of Amy.


I have found that sometimes the things in life that are the most painful are the greatest gifts, once I get past the pain.


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