As he pulled out of the driveway this morning I was overcome with a sense of gratitude.
Grateful that there was money to get him a good, safe used car that he can have for several years.
Grateful that at 25 he still gives me a hug and says “I love you, Mom” when he leaves the house.
Grateful that we can exist in the same home and actually enjoy each others company…most of the time. 🙂
Grateful that the snow is falling and I don’t have to go to work until later today.
Grateful that the season of Advent is a here and I am trying to do #SmallThingsGreatLove with Michelle.  One of my early attempts was certainly amusing.  I wrote about it here.
Here are some interesting posts and articles I have read lately…all worth your time, I promise!
This about Fox News Commentator Kristen Powers.  Read it!
This about a conversation on a plane.  I read it on a blog I visited for the first time today.
And this about the faith of Joseph by Michelle.
What are you grateful for this Advent season?


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