Above all else, guard your heart,
   for everything you do flows from it.
Proverbs 4:23

I get it, you know.  I
get what this verse is telling me.  My heart is the center of my
being.  If I “infect” my heart with not so good stuff, then
not so good stuff will flow from my life.  Kind of a “garbage in,
garbage out” philosophy.  
You know what I really have a
problem with?   Sometimes I take the “guard” to
extremes.  Sometimes I want to guard my heart against everything and
everyone.  I want to put walls up around me because I don’t want to be
Don’t open my heart and let someone
in, they might leave.
Don’t open my heart and feel
real emotion, I might get hurt.
Don’t open my heart and run
free, I might fall.
Don’t open my heart and
_____________ go ahead, fill in the blank.  Something might happen. 
If you are not part of my family, then I probably don’t let you “in.”
I realize that there are times 
my life when I put up walls 
and then I wonder 
why no one is around.  
When I started blogging a
friend, who was a blogger, said to me, “it’s all about relationships.  Visiting and commenting on other blogs…kind
of like you are building a community.” 
Seriously?  I was NOT building a community…I was merely tapping
on a keyboard and putting my thoughts out there.  What she said made no sense to me.  AT. ALL…until a year or so later. 
Next week I will be attending
the Allume conference. 
When I attended this conference last year I didn’t know anyone.  
I went all. by. myself.  
And people I didn’t even know
were hugging me.  It was kind of strange.  And a bit unsettling.
But this year I will be
looking for hugs.  And I’ll probably be hugging people that I don’t know.

Because I have learned to open my heart. A guarded heart doesn’t mean a closed
This is part of what I have
learned from this community of bloggers and the experience of blogging…to
open my heart, to open my hands and to open arms.  To be willing to accept
all the things that he has in store for me.
Because I don’t have to do
it all. by. myself.   

I have a community of people holding me up.
What have you learned from the blogging community?


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