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I hope we can really believe this…our self-worth is not tied to the number on the scale. However, this should not prevent us from wanting to achieve a healthy lifestyle and for some of us, that may mean losing a few pounds…or a lot of pounds.
Last week, I shared some brief bullet points I think are worthy of our reflection when we are trying to achieve a healthy lifestyle. I believe they are especially worth considering when we are stuck at a plateau and cannot figure out what is preventing us from losing weight or reaching our fitness goals.
Today and for the next two weeks I plan to elaborate on these points.
I will take the week of Christmas off. I will post the Wednesday after Christmas and I am already excited about what I have planned for Wednesdays in January. You won’t want to miss it. If you haven’t already subscribed, you might consider doing so now. You know, so you don’t miss any of the really exciting stuff!
From last week…
These are different for all of us. What is an excuse for me, might truly be a reason for you. Our lifestyles are all different. I don’t have small children that I am tending to during the day, carting to dance lessons and ball practice. My lifestyle is different from yours. For me, being over-extended this time of year is probably an EXCUSE that I use to avoid making the healthier choice. For you, it might really be a REASON.
When I am sick and get medication, that might be a REASON that I am struggling. When I choose to stay up late, THEN I can’t get up…I might use being tired as an EXCUSE.
One bad day
DOES NOT ruin a whole week. I cannot stress this enough. I always urged my members to try and make more good choices than bad choices in a day. And to have more good days than bad days in a week. Can we do this? This might be a good mantra for this holiday season. Survey your week and plan accordingly. Know that the upcoming party this weekend is ONE day…don’t let it ruin your whole week.
A little exercise
Is better than NO exercise! I LOVE. LOVE. LOOOOVE this. When I don’t want to exercise and feel I just cannot bring myself to get on the ski machine or the elliptical or go for a walk, then I give myself permission to do just 15 minutes of exercise.
That’s it! Just 15 minutes. At the end of the 15 minutes I can quit. Many times I’ll decide to do another 15 minutes, but there are days that I quit after 15 minutes.
Have you ever considered exercising for JUST 15 minutes?
Or do you have the mindset that it must be at least 30 – 45 minutes or even an hour to be beneficial? I’m not saying 15 minutes is ideal, we should certainly strive to do more most days, but let’s give ourselves permission to do 15 minutes when 15 minutes is ALL we have. Or when we feel like 15 minutes is all we can do, this thought process might be the ticket to doing SOMETHING!
And this time of year, there may REALLY be days when 15 minutes TRULY IS…all we have.
I touch on the some more of the bullet points next week.
Until then…choose one thing to work on this week. Don’t try to change everything at once.
How did you do with the choice you made last week?
After checking with Mary Beth to be sure that this series meet her criteria for linking up, I am joining her for her Work In Progress Wednesdays.
I chose to drink more water. It's been helping a lot with curbing my apetite. Looking forward to going through this series with you.
Good for you, Kathleen!! A lot of times when we think we are hungry, we are really thirsty. Did you notice any other benefits? I can see a difference in my skin when I drink a lot of water.
These are great tips, Mary. I've put on a couple of extra pounds lately and I will use your thoughts here to give me that elusive edge I haven't been able to grasp. Such practical stuff! Thanks so much for this and for visiting my blog!
Glad you found these tips helpful, Beth!
I am very bad at the all or nothing … all good or eat anything I want.
This is a trap a lot of people fall into, Glenda! Modifying this behavior isn't easy, but it can be done.
I need to embrace 'a little exercise is better than no exercise'. I LOVE to exercise, but because of some physical limitations I'm not able to do much. I've found that I've adopted the attitude that if I can't do a full weight and cardio work-out, what's the point? Sooo, I'm going to take your advice and begin with 10-15 minutes of movement and see where it goes! Thanks for the encouraging post!
I'm a new follower!
Mary, I just returned from a visit to your blog…I'll be praying for you and I can't wait to hear about how your exercise goes. 10 minutes will be a great start.
I wanted–no needed, for years to shed some pounds. And I hate, hate, HATE! Exercise. I couldn't even find the motivation to lose weight for my daughter's wedding–my one shot at being Mother-of-the-Bride, and let's just say I didn't wear my fabulous dress well.
But. Last year, when my husband and I signed up to hike in the Alps, I had a reason to get in shape. Fear of death will do that to a person. Actually, I didn't fear death so much as I feared the pain of carrying the extra weight over mountain passes at high altitudes–where there is no oxygen!
Excuses and reason. This is a really good conversation as I'm tempted to slip back into my pre-hike habits. So glad you're keeping the discussion going.
And, by the way–my MOB dress looks fabulous on me now 😉
I so enjoyed your series about your hike in the Alps. What did you do to lose the weight? What are you doing to keep it off? Sometimes I think that is as hard as losing it!
Thanks for stopping by, Nancy. I am always thrilled to see your face!
Now…I think it is time to post a picture of you in your MOB dress!!
I love your point about doing a little exercise, even if it's only 15 minutes. It's fifteen minutes we didn't spend sitting on the sofa! Unless I'm training for a race, I give myself permission to cut things short if I'm pressed for time or not feeling up to it. I always feel better having done something rather than nothing:) Love your encouragement!
You are right, Kimberly…it is 15 minutes we are NOT sitting!! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!
These are great tips, and I look forward to all that you have to share. I am a little hesitate to begin again. I've failed so many times. I am praying about joining WW again in January. Oh how I long to be healthy.
Barbie, getting healthy can be a long arduous process, but it is so worth it. I am praying specifically for you and with you in this matter.
Hugs my friend.