Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.
Psalm 143:8
Kristin Armstrong uses this passage in her book, Work in Progress An Unfinished Woman’s Guide to Grace.  This is a book that I needed to read slowly and digest it as I went along.  It is FULL of wisdom for women!! After this passage she writes,

“Time spent getting to know God means walking along with Him; asking Him to illuminate the route and not racing ahead of what’s been lit.” 

Not racing ahead of “what’s been lit.”  How appropriate for me!  I am always wanting to move forward, plan ahead, what’s next, get it on the calendar…but this passage and her comment really struck me.  I spend time in the Word, trying to walk along with Him, but I am frequently, if not always looking ahead…beyond what has been lit. 

Lord, thank you for the reminder to live in the present and not rush ahead. Please continue to be with those who have lost loved ones, my neighbor and Dianne’s family.  Be with those needing guidance as they are making life changing decisions.  Please be with my family as I am away for a few days.

I am travelling today. I have some posts scheduled just in case I am unable to blog.  In the meantime…I hope your days are peachy-keen!

I get no compensation for mentioning this book.
an edited post from the archives


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