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I’ve been thinking about my goals.  What I want to achieve as part of my healthy lifestyle.  

And guess what?

It isn’t all about the scale.  It is easy to get caught up in that number, but it is JUST. A. NUMBER.

This is me last week when I was in Monterey, California.

While I am no skinny minnie, I am happy with the way I look these days.

For seven months I have been working with a personal trainer once a week.  Now I can only afford this because it is a benefit of where I work.  It is a very reasonable charge and it is one thing I do for myself.  It has made a big, VERY BIG, difference in how I feel about

myself AND how my clothes fit.  And I saw results fairly quickly.  It also motivates me to get my exercise at least 3 other days a week, but I try to exercise 4 other days.  I usually take 2 days off from strenuous exercise, but on those days I will take a walk – usually 2-2.5 miles in about 25-35 minutes.
However, the scale isn’t moving too much.  My clothes fit better and things are fitting looser…LOVE IT!  But again, the scale isn’t moving.  I am having to be satisfied with other benefits.  So, please, don’t get caught up in the numbers on the scale.  Find other ways to measure your success.
What about you?  
How are you measuring your success?
Are you exercising?  Have you set a goal?
What results are you seeing?
Here are some websites that I think might be useful to you…
I find a lot of articles here:
And recipes here:
And some workouts here:
This is a good one too:
Hope you have a good week…please, please share what you are doing to achieve YOUR healthy goals!


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