For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise;
he is to be feared above all gods. 
  Psalm 96:4
How was I to know?  What was I supposed to do?  How could I have possibly known that the end of summer would come so quickly and I would not have accomplished ALL that I wanted to get done? Or…maybe that was the problem.  I got in the way.   I had my ideas.   I thought I knew best.  But…I didn’t.  While it has been hard, it is OK.  You see, I had plans for the lazy, crazy days of summer.  I was going to get some things organized in my house, I was going to lose 10 pounds, I was going to throw out some things, I was going to clean and use the pool…I had so many ideas.  BUT…these things did not happen.  HIS plan came first. While I didn’t realize it at the time, when my plans were being thwarted, HIS plan was taking shape.  While I was fretting, HE was working a miracle.  While I was crying, HE was rejoicing and drying my tears. 
For that (and many other things)…HE IS GREAT and worthy of my praise!!!
I continue counting HIS gifts…
621. changed plans.
622. computer trouble.  Can’t change it, might as well say thank you!
623. relationships changed.
624. safe travels.
625. visit with friends.
625. seeing maturity in those I love.
626. uneventful air travel.
627. peaceful rest.
628. job I love.
629. time off.
630. my parents.
631. silver linings.
I have had serious computer trouble and don’t know when I will have the time necessary to deal with it, thus my posting may be sporadic.  I am leaving tomorrow to visit my parents (they are almost 90) so I won’t be posting again this week.  Then it is back to work…you know my great schedule: Monday-Thursday, 10-4…academic year. WOO-HOO!!
As I have reflected on my blessings from my time in Colorado and my blessing here at home, this song has been rolling around in my head.

Lord, thank you for all of you blessings.  Thank you especially for the change you are bringing about in the lives of those I love.  Thank you for time with friends, time away, time to rest.  Lord, please be with those that are grieving the loss of loved ones, my neighbors, Dianne’s family, others that I don’t even know.  Lord, please be with all of the students and their families beginning school this week and in the coming weeks.  Especially be with Natalie and her family as they embark on their new adventure.  Be with my friends Glenda and Annesta as they grown children have moved away. 
Lord, your blessings are great and I thank you!!

Hope you have a great week!!!

joining the


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