It is Monday and once again I have much for which to say “Thank you, Lord!” and so I add to my list…
219. RUNNING for 45 minutes! NO walking AND I did 4 miles!!
220. last day of work.
221. opportunity to be a friend.
222. frustrating circumstances that force me to be patient.
223. upcoming trip to visit my son & my sister.
224. restful weekend.
225. chores accomplished.
226. a good night’s sleep.
227. things I cannot explain.
228. blog comments that encourage.
229. tears of joy.
230. friends like Stacey & Natalie, from whom I have learned so much.
231. the chance to say…Thank you, Jesus.
When I woke up this morning, I was a little down…long story and I am not going there. I had decided I wasn’t going to post this morning, but since I will be out of town for a week beginning on Wednesday and posting may be hit or miss, I decided I should go ahead with my gratitude list. Guess what?!? I felt better once I got started. Just a few minutes of focusing on thankfulness and my attitude can change. Boy, am I glad the Lord isn’t as fickle as me!
By the way, Stacey is hosting a giveaway from her new Etsy Shop.
Lord, thank you for the opportunity to share my gratitude list. Thank you for pushing me this morning, pushing me to take a minute and add to my list. It is easy for me to get bogged down in the yuck and lose site of you and what is really important. Thank you again for the push. Thank you for your blessings in my life, please be with my family and friends today. Especially be with Annesta as she enters the last week before her daughter’s wedding…please gift her with a calm and peaceful week and give her the grace to enjoy the process.
Thank you friends for taking the time to stop by. I hope you have a lovely day! You can read more on the gratitude community over at Ann’s place. It will be worth your time!
You are too sweet to me! I have been so blessed to know you and to learn from you as you share from the heart about your journey with Him.
Your list of gratitude is a beautiful encouragement to me. I join you in giving thanks for #227- how else could we have faith??? And I must say how impressed I am with #219. I can't even run to the corner- lol!
Am so thankful you yielded to His Spirit this morning, not only blessings for you but for us to :}
I especially enjoy: 227. things I cannot explain.
Me too 🙂
Also, the first 'gift' I posted today is: how gratitude changes complaint to both compliment and complement (in other words, as you say: Just a few minutes of focusing on thankfulness and my attitude can change).
Have a blessed day & safe & fun travels this week 🙂
I know what it is like to wake up and feel sad. I am so glad that you posted your list and I also know what it is like to have God change your heart because you are obedient to Him. I love the fact that you ran 45 minutes…you stuck to it and I bet it was hard but I know you felt good after you accomplished your goal. I join you in gratitude for getting a lot of our "to do's" off our plate. Enjoy your visit with your son and sister. Families are so important.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and your prayers this week as we walk closer to the big event. I feel His presence and peace in my life.
You are dear to me!
Tears of joy – awesome.
Running for 45 min and doing 4 miles – kudos to you! GREAT job!! 🙂 That takes some persistence and hard work.
Here visiting from the Gratitude Community.
God bless!
Thank you for sharing your list.
I'm agreeing with no 227 too 🙂
So many of them on my own list!
It is true that thinking about our blessings makes us feel better. Thanks for sharing. I like the pictures at the side of your blog.
Running for 4 miles is very impressive! You go girl!!
Yay on the 4 miles!!!!!!!!