This picture was taken a few weeks ago when we went to Shenandoah National Park.  You can’t really see all the colors, but it was a beautiful sky with pinks, blues and purples throughout.  Sunrises and sunsets can be so beautiful.  I was out of town again this weekend, visiting another of our National Parks…Great Smoky Mountain National Park.  I just returned home last night, so I am adding to my gratitude list today…

275. 12 hours of road travel with no issues.
276. old friends.
277. new friends.
278. blue skies.
279. beautiful meadows.
280. shelter.
281. floors.
282. food.
283. employment.
284. blogging friends.
285. the lessons God is teaching me in my everyday life.

I join the Gratitude Community at Ann’s Place.  Check it out…it can change your life.

Lord, once again I thank you for the opportunity to visit the wonderful places you have put on this earth for us to enjoy and experience.  Thank you for the safe travels and the friends that came to meet us.  Thank you for my many, many blessings.  Lord, be with those that need you in a special way today. Please comfort them and give them peace.

Thanks for stopping by…what are you grateful for this week?


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