361. seeing family over Thanksgiving holiday.
362. spending Thanksgiving with dear friends of 30 years.363. safe travels with no airline delays.
364. dinner with a nephew and his wife.
365. going to church with Andy.
366. peaceful time away from home.
367. gorgeous view from hotel room.
368. beautiful rainbow.
369. an iPhone.
taken with my iPhone while driving down the road…this was a beautiful rainbow! |
the view from our hotel room…gorgeous! |
370. online resource for accounting help.
371. good test grade.
372. Friday dinner with friends to celebrate a 5 year old’s birthday.
373. light dusting of snow on Saturday morning.
374. good study time on Sunday afternoon.
375. long walk on Sunday.
376. kitchen appliances.
377. clean water.
378. husband that vacuumed.
379. new friends.
380. warm socks.
381. the Good Shepherd who knows me by name.
382. letting go when I need to.
Participating in the Gratitude Community at Ann’s place…
When we went to California and Arizona for Thanksgiving, I forgot my regular camera. That is why I listed #369…gratitude for an iPhone. I took some nice pictures and we were blessed with a beautiful rainbow.
Such a blessing to ready your gratitude list this morning, Mary. The picture of the rainbow is one of the nicest rainbow pictures I've ever seen! So so clear and distinct!
I was also glad to see that you were able to spend Thanksgiving with friends of over 30 years. Earlier in the month of November we were able to spend an evening with friends we hadn't seen in 35 years! But we fell right in to rhythm as if it had been yesterday that we'd last seen them!
Also blessed to see that you were able to go to church on Sunday with your son. 🙂
I'll be praying for you today, as you mentioned that you have had a frustrating morning.
Wonderful gratitude list, Mary! I'm glad you were able to go to church with your son 🙂
You WERE just joking about the husband that vacuums, right?!
Well, actually, I think my husband did vacuum once come to think of it. His parents were coming to visit and I had just had Michaela 😉
Good for you in knowing when to put aside the self-imposed rules, Mary. I'm learning, too! Thankful for you!!!
A lovely list…isn't it a huge blessing when there are no airport delays? And going to church with Andy…ah, so sweet!
Praying for your study time and for a clear mind when you take your final.