“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—
just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—
and I lay down my life for the sheep.”
John 10:14-15
It has been awhile since I added to my gratitude list.  One of the things I have had to let go during this difficult semester with accounting is the pressure I had put on myself to blog daily and follow my self-imposed rules.  One of which was to participate in Multitude Mondays. 

361. seeing family over Thanksgiving holiday.
362. spending Thanksgiving with dear friends of 30 years.363. safe travels with no airline delays.

364. dinner with a nephew and his wife.

365. going to church with Andy.

366. peaceful time away from home.

367. gorgeous view from hotel room.

368. beautiful rainbow.

369. an iPhone.

taken with my iPhone while driving down the road…this was a beautiful rainbow!

the view from our hotel room…gorgeous!

370. online resource for accounting help.
371. good test grade.

372. Friday dinner with friends to celebrate a 5 year old’s birthday.

373. light dusting of snow on Saturday morning.

374. good study time on Sunday afternoon.

375. long walk on Sunday.

376. kitchen appliances.

377. clean water.

378. husband that vacuumed.

379. new friends.

380. warm socks.

381. the Good Shepherd who knows me by name.
382. letting go when I need to.
Participating in the Gratitude Community at Ann’s place…

When we went to California and Arizona for Thanksgiving, I forgot my regular camera.  That is why I listed #369…gratitude for an iPhone.  I took some nice pictures and we were blessed with a beautiful rainbow. 

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD,
 “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11
Lord, I am thankful that you know the plan and that you know the future.  This has been a frustrating morning, Lord.  I feel my thoughts and words are disjointed and make no sense.  I pray Lord that you will use my messed up, jumbled, disjointed thoughts for Your honor and Your glory.  Thank you for another day to try and honor you with my thoughts, words and deeds.
Have a blessed day! 


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