Yesterday, at the end of mass one of the ushers walked to the front of church and got the priest’s attention. They spoke to each other, then the priest announced that freezing rain had begun to fall and the steps were slick, please be very careful. Our drive home from church took us 1 ½ hours…we live 20 minutes from church. I was so thankful that we made it home and didn’t have an accident. Of course, we pulled over to the side of the road and sat for 30 minutes or so until the salt truck came by. But there were several accidents and the roads were just a parking lot. I had big plans for yesterday…lots of things that I wanted to do, baking, cleaning, etc. They didn’t happen; things just didn’t flow after I got home.
Sometimes, I think our life is like that…something happens to upset our normal routine (freezing rain, long trip home from church) and our life becomes a parking lot. We wait for things to change, for things to be different, but nothing seems to happen. I know that if things are really going to change, that it is up to me…I have to MAKE it happen. But, sometimes, it is easier to get complacent and wait to see what happens. Oh, yeah, and COMPLAIN that things are not the way we want them! How human is that!?!?
I try to exercise on a regular basis. I lost 25 pounds on Weight Watchers almost 25 years ago and have kept most of that weight off, although I have put a few pounds on since moving here. Exercise is a key to keeping my weight down and maintaining good emotional health. Ever since Amy died, back in 1992, I occasionally get depressed and the exercise helps keep my emotional state “in check!” Anyway, back to the exercise…I enjoy walking (sometimes slow jogging), but I have trouble with my feet bothering me if I walk too much. I have a ski machine and an elliptical in my basement, but do I use them for cross training? Not often! Today, much of the ice has melted, but there are still slick spots and walking outside probably isn’t the wisest thing for me to do. So…what will I do? I could use the equipment in the basement, but I would rather complain that I can’t walk than do something else. So…this is my new commitment…I am going to try and cross train two days a week and you, my friends will be my accountability board. Last week, I read where Wendy covered her treadmill with a towel so she could get through her treadmill time. I may have to try something like that. So…my friends, I am off the get my cross training exercise in. I will let you know how it goes.

How wonderful to have those in your basement! It helps so much to have accountability, or someone as a cheerleader.
I hope you get a great workout in today!
Yikes on the icy roads. I am glad you made it home safely.