Do you have to remind yourself that everything in life is NOT a blog post? I find myself thinking “is this something to write about?” My friend, Dianne, commented on this when I wrote this recent post.
It is true. All of my life is not for my blog.
Not for Twitter.
And not for Facebook.
I don’t post a lot on either of these social networking sites. Truth be told, social networking isn’t my favorite thing. I think it has a place, I’m just not sure that I have a place at that table.
There are people that are TOTALLY gifted in the social media arena. They can pack a powerful punch in 140 characters or less. Me? I still spell out most things when I send a text on my cell phone. Oh…and I don’t really like to text either. Just so you know.
Those people that are gifted in the area of social media? I have great respect for them! Take Lisa-Jo, Social Media Manager for DaySpring. Or Stefanie Brown, Social Media Manager for The Seed Company. These women ROCK. Big Time! They can do more with 140 characters than I could do with 1040 characters!
The picture I used in this post was taken back in December when I took my niece and sister to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania when they were visiting me from California. The Amish & Mennonite families live a different life than I do. A slower, less hurried lifestyle.
I bet they don’t worry about tweeting on schedule, updating their FB status or using Instagram and Pinterest. And, by the way, I don’t do either of the last two. For one thing, I don’t need another internet site taking up my time. If I got started on Pinterest, I know I would have a REAL problem.
Anyway, I think there is something to be said for a slower paced life. Without constant updating, tweeting and internet connections.
So…all of my life is not a blog post, a status update, nor can it be summarized in 140 characters or less.
Just my random thoughts…what are your thoughts on social media?
Too much social media has diminished real relationships so much so that radio stations are not urging people to have real relationships…sad! I don't tweet, instagram or pinterest either. I do some facebook and texting when I need to send a quick message or to share pictures with people far away, but I agree with you. I want to share my life with people face to face. However, I will admit that blogging has helped me meet some wonderful women in Christ like you!
I so agree about blogging introducing me to wonderful Christian women! I started to address that in my post, but it just got too long and wordy. But I have met some wonderful friends via the internet/blogging!
Mary, one of the first things I thought about when I read your post is that you can say more with your pictures than most of us can say with thousands of words…..
I too yearn for a simpler life and all the social media outlets can get to be a bit much.. I really enjoy blogging because it gives me an outlet to express myself and meet up with some great ladies but other than that, I FB a little but that's about all that I consistently do in the social media world..
Great post today to ponder….
Nancy, I am humbled by your words. I pray the He is honored with everything I write. Thank you for stopping by.
Although I love blogging and am sort of obsessed about it, I find tweeting and other social media forms to be hard to keep up with. I am never creative with my tweets. I must prefer talking face-to-face. Love you!
Thank you, Barbie for stopping by!! I love you too.
I do find that the blogging and fb take up a lot of time that I could spend on other activities. Right now, fb has absorbed my time since I found my dau-in-law puts photos of the grandkids there. Hard to not look at the site and find the great up-to-date faces that I love!
I certainly believe that both twitter & FB have their place, I am just not big users of either. However, I love the fact that you can view pix of your grandkids, I can see my nieces, etc. Thanks you for stopping by!
I love blogging–
I occasionally do Pinterest and occasionally FB–I loved FB at first knowing what my friends were up to and seeing pics of special occasions and a few a long the way.
But then it got saturated with the posters that I will go and find and read if I am interested in and the dynamics changed.
I think Tweeting is great for those who are natural at it. Since I don't know where my phone is half the time, tweeting is not for me.
I find even putting a casual status on Fb is somewhat uncomfortable for me.
I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head and thanks for the shout out.
We're all different but as of now I will stick with blogging, photography and art.