Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 
Each of you should use whatever gift you 
have received to serve others, 
as faithful stewards of 
God’s grace in its various forms. 
1 Peter 4:9-10
Some people have the gift of hospitality.  
Logan has that gift.  Logan was the “event coordinator” for Allume conference.  She also spoke at the conference.  Her topic was Using Your Blog for Real Life Discipleship.  Logan lives what she speaks…she told of having young couples from her church into her home for a cooking lesson and taught them how to cut an onion…then blogged about cutting an onion.  
This is Logan…and yes, I know the picture isn’t that great.
People have seen her in the grocery store and told her how great that post was because they didn’t know HOW to cut an onion.  I am totally paraphrasing her talk…it was AWESOME.  And went straight to my heart.  I love Logan.  We are a lot alike.  Thursday afternoon in the elevator she got on and I said, “Logan!”  We have never met, but she said, “Mary!”  And gave me a big hug.
I also got to listen to Kristina.  Kristina is a single mom with four kids.  Kristina also has the gift of hospitality.  She welcomes you into her life and is very transparent.  She shared about writer’s block and how to get past it.  She talked about visuals.  And scents.  She also told me I looked AMAZING.  Seriously!?!?  Well, I have been exercising, but AMAZING?  I don’t think so!
Kristina has a tattoo…or tattoos, I don’t know, nor do I care.  But I want you to read this post.

Did you read it?  God shows up…in BIG ways, in places we don’t expect!

God met me at the Allume conference.  But not in the places I expected, nor in the way I suspected.

He met me in these (and other) talks.  In the keynote speeches.  On Friday night, a totally unplanned visit with Kris gave me a whole new take on Lent.

He met me in a VERY. BIG. WAY. during a late night chat with Jacque, Lyn and Denise.

Then again, in a totally God-planned (that is the ONLY way this would have happened) chat, on Sunday morning before I left the hotel with Lindsey.

You see, each of these women offered hospitality to me.  They are faithful stewards of God’s grace, in it’s various forms…and I was a willing recipient.

You know, I went to Allume expecting something, but I wasn’t sure what.  I came away realizing that my voice is one of my gifts.

I should write for the audience that comes to my place (blog) seeking my hospitality.  

I need to write. I need to be a faithful steward of God’s grace in the form it is given to me…even if my audience is only one person.  

How are you a faithful steward of God’s grace?


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