I hosted. 

I set the table.  I lit the candles.

We had ham and turkey.  We had sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes.

I got to feed hungry college boys.  And…

I FORGOT to take a picture.

But, I have my memories.  

Memories of young men saying thank you.  Far from home due to basketball schedules. 

Memories of meeting some parents and forming new friendships.

Blessings come in strange ways sometimes.  They come in different forms. 

They surprise and I say, “why didn’t I see that before?” 

But they are always there…blessings..waiting to be embraced.

They are woven in my being. 

These are random thoughts and they may not make sense to you, but I am so blessed and this is what was on my heart. 
Have a blessed day….


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