seasonsI find myself in a difficult season and if you read this post, then you will understand why the author of this post references the beginnings of spring. This was written six weeks ago by my friend, Tracey Casciano. Please welcome her to the blog today.

We live in a “hurry up” society. We want instant gratification and results. Drive thru restaurants, banks, and pharmacies allow us to speed through our day so that we can move on to our next task. Many look for quick ways to lose weight, get rich or look younger. In other words, we want to take things into our own hands. This is the opposite of what God wants for us.

Waiting is against our human nature. Recently a friend of mine told me that she hears God saying, “Be still.” She knows that something is around the corner, but what? She is anxious and wants to know what He has planned for her. How long will she need to wait? How will she know for certain that she is hearing Him right?

Another friend is in the process of changing jobs. He has applied and is waiting to find out and wants to know if he will be moving to a different city. His family will be affected by his decision and he wants to be sure that this is the best choice, but for now he must wait.seasons

We are on the cusp of spring. The snow has all melted, the temperatures are rising, and a few little signs of the new season are starting to show. Soon the bare branches will grow new leaves, and the air will become warmer. We will be able to spend more time outside, wear fewer layers, and the days will grow longer. Before this can happen we must endure some rainy days, windy days and maybe even a few more snowflakes. We can’t make the season change, we must wait and trust that it will happen.

Just as the four seasons bring change, our own seasons will help us to change and grow. We may find ourselves in a season of waiting….looking to the Lord for guidance towards the next step. Or you may be in a season of change with many new surroundings and situations making you feel uncertain. Some seasons bring loss and leave us wondering why. God’s timing is not ours. Though it is natural to want to look ahead, we run the risk of missing the things God needs us to see at this time. If we depend on God during these times, our relationship with Him and faith will grow stronger. God wants our circumstances, good or bad, to help us grow closer to Him and find our purpose.

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today” Matthew 6:34

seasonsSome seasons of life are harder than others, that’s for sure. Whatever season you are in, know that you are not alone. God is with you and will see you through. Lean on Him for understanding and let His word be your compass. Trust God and he will show you which path to take. We must give God a chance to do His work, even if it takes longer than we’d like. He will make everything work out just right!

Are you in a difficult season? How can I pray for you today?

Meet Tracey Casciano…


Tracey is a passionate speaker and writer ready to shine a light for Jesus. She shines that light through encouraging words as a blogger, speaker, and writer to help others who may be suffering or doubting themselves on their current path in life.  After a childhood with an alcoholic mother and abusive father, her love for the Lord helped rise above her past. She describes this in her book, “Out of the Darkroom, Into the Light: A Story of Faith and Forgiveness After Child Abuse.” She is happily married and in the midst of raising four wonderful sons. Tracey has a background in Special Education, has taught History in public high school for eight years, and has been a missionary in Guatemala and the Dominican Republic. Learn more about Tracey and her book at her website, on her blog. You can connect with her on Twitter, and Facebook.


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