I started this post on Sunday evening, April 10th. Tired and needing rest after spending the weekend at Winsome. A woman’s retreat hosted by Kim Hyland and held at White Sulfur Springs. I went last year too and was blessed to room with my friend Susan Stilwell both times and who, by the way, designed my website! Even though I slept well and really did not stay up too late, I am tired. And I have a lot of traveling to do this month. And while I will only spend 8 nights in my bed between now and May 8th, I am glad I went, because my soul needed the rest.
Retreat can be defined as a place of refuge, seclusion or privacy. With all that has happened in the last few weeks, I needed a place of refuge. A safe place with friends and I had that this weekend. But before I went away God was already working a plan that would bring me face to face with a new friend. And while I did not know what the Lord had in store for me when I left home on Friday afternoon, I knew he’d been working on my heart for a few weeks in preparation. You may know that my mom died on March 1st. While she was 93, her death was not expected. She went in the hospital on February 17 and never left the hospital. The week before she went to the hospital I received an e-mail from someone I’d never met. Her name was Tracey Casciano and she wondered if I had any opportunity for a guest post on my blog.
Hmmm…how interesting. Someone I’ve never met wants to guest post on my blog. It isn’t like I have a have a large following, so I wondered what it was this person saw in me and my blog. Why would she want to guest post for me? I knew a little about her, but we’d not interacted on social media and I certainly wouldn’t call her my friend. I checked out her blog and knew she had recently released a book. I told her I’d be glad to have her write a piece this space.
The post arrived the week my mom died and was titled Seasons. I briefly scanned it, acknowledged her e-mail, and told her I would not be able to format and publish the piece until after I returned from the funeral.
Upon returning, I had a number of things to do and I put that post on the back burner. Then a couple of weeks ago I pulled it up and read it….Stay tuned this week for more on this.

Looking forward to reading, Seasons. So glad you and Susan were at the retreat.
I am so glad we got to hear you speak!! Love you sweet friend.