It was raining. And he just stood there…fishing.
Rain and sea spray pelting his clothing.
Yet…he stayed. Right there on those rocks and continued to fish.
I never saw him catch a thing.
He was focused.
He was devoted.
He was staying the course.
Even in the midst of less than pleasant circumstances.
And I ask myself: am I as focused and devoted and willing to stay the course the Lord has for me?
Sometimes I am. Sometimes I am not.
The biggest distraction for me is when I begin to focus on the ME aspect and what I want. I begin to compare myself to others.
I compare my blog to her blog. And I find myself lacking.
I compare my writing to her writing. And I find myself lacking.
I compare my number of followers or comments to hers. And I find myself lacking.
I compare my __________ to her _________. And I find myself lacking.
I have to take a step back. I have to remember that I am not supposed to be comparing myself to her…or her…or her.
No, I am merely to stay focused, stay devoted, stay the course HE has laid before me. That is when I am at my best. That is when I don’t get discouraged. That is when things go well. That is when I feel my best! Physically, spiritually and emotionally. Seriously!!
Friends, while on retreat recently I realized that I have been comparing myself to others. And I find myself lacking. I felt like I was not part of the “in” crowd…whatever the “in” crowd is.
And these feelings are all of my own making…God does not desire that I compare myself to others. And I AM part of his “in” crowd.
I said it would be a long road…and it will be. But I know I can overcome this feeling of “less than” with His help.
Do you ever compare yourself to others? Feel you aren’t part of the “in” crowd…or feel “less than?”
