What kind of fig tree are you? This was the question the priest asked as he began his homily on Sunday.
Lent is a time of change. And change is hard. Change takes work.
The fig tree in this passage from Luke hasn’t changed enough to warrant being saved…AND YET – someone asked that the fig tree not be cut done. PLEASE…just leave it one more year.
One more year.
One more chance.
One more…
How many chances do we get to start over?
To try again?
In my experience, it is many.
I am so thankful that while I am trying to change during Lent, that He doesn’t judge me harshly. He doesn’t want to cut me down.
I get a second chance.

Yes, it is WONDERFUL that we get more than one chance. Love this. In the world's economy, I know I've already used up all my chances. But in God's, there's always one more, one more.
Thank goodness God is in the second chance business because He loves us so much….Yes, change is very hard but He loves helping us make the ones necessary to be more like Him….
Thank God for grace, right? xxxoo (((Mary)))
Amen, Amen, Amen! Cuz, even though I didn't eat sugar for a year…I still crave it and want it and so I do have it, but now in more moderation and I find that I don't enjoy rich/heavy desserts or huge amounts of it. Change is hard…like remembering to stay calm when my children blow it.. I agree with Michelle, Thank God for grace. Hugs to you!
I'm so thankful for second chances … and third chances … and fourths. I guess that's why we call His grace so amazing. Amazing grace indeed.