Things DO change. Sometimes they seem to constantly change. Yet…they stay the same. I don’t really know where or how to begin…but I am going to try and explain this. I thought I could link back to a post for some explanation, but can’t find exactly what I am looking for. Here goes…(short version) I worked part-time in an administrative position at a local college for two years. I knew it was temporary when I was hired. Once I knew the position was being eliminated, I began my job search. I was incredibly blessed with interviews and multiple job offers. The job I accepted was a part-time administrative position, but it involved 5 days a week and in the 6 weeks I have been there, more than once have worked more than 35 hours in the week. I love a lot of things about the job, but I don’t like working 5 days a week. I have never worked in a place where EVERYONE, from the President on down is willing to ask you to do something AND take the time to explain HOW to do – here EVERYONE helps you. They don’t pass you off to someone else for an explanation. EVERYONE says thank you when you do something for them. It is a small firm and is really a great place. BUT…I REALLY struggle with working 5 days a week. My previous job was 3 miles from home…this job is 20+ miles from home and takes 35 minutes to get there. I am struggling with all that I feel is NOT getting done around the house. Heck…FEEL it isn’t getting done…IT ISN’T GETTING DONE!!! I have struggled to get my exercise in too. All this plays into my emotional state. What am I going to do? In walks GOD! Seriously!! Out of the blue I am approaced about a new position at the college, my former employer. One for which I think I am well-suited. VOILA! God has me back at a job with a 4 day work week AND an academic year – that means June & July off as well as the winter break between semesters – and this job is not termed “temporary”!!! Can you say PRAISE THE LORD with me?!?!? I am so grateful!! Wanting to give my current employer plenty of time to find a replacement, I gave my notice yesterday, even though I do not start my new job until mid-August. God is so GOOD and I am so excited!! As you know on Mondays, I like to participate in the Gratitude Community so this will definitely make my list!!
I am running out of time. New refrigerator is being delivered today (remember I work all day) so my neighbor is going to let them in, but I need to finish a few things in the kitchen so it doesn’t look too messy when she is here!!
Lord, thank you for EVERYTHING. I am so blessed and at times I lose sight of that. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to return to a job close to home. Thank you for having my current employer be nice and understanding. Please help them find the right person to replace me. Thank you for your many blessings.
I hope you have a great day…
Yes, Mary, I can say PRAISE THE LORD with you! I'm so excited for you. And I love the way you phrased it…"and in walks God"! Don't you just love it when He does something SO personal for you! SO happy for you.
How wonderful that your prayers were answered in such an unexpected way. God is good!!
Oh Mary!!! I am soooo happy for you! What a gift!!!
Mary, I rejoice with you that you have a job that meets your needs better and will allow you to have more free time to do errands and chores.
So very happy for you!
Wow! God answered your prayers quickly! Praise God 🙂
35 hours is practically full time and if you add in the commute it probably is.
So happy for you, Mary! God is good.