Five Minute Friday is being hosted by Crystal this week.
Today’s prompt:  BELONG
It was a sunny June day.  We sat in the big conference room.  My husband and me and what seemed like 25 doctors, but it was probably only 5 or 6…maybe 8.  I just know that I got swallowed up in the moment and tuned them out.
Most of them anyway.
I tuned out the ones that said we could prevent this in a future pregnancy with the right tests and if we got this diagnosis, we could terminate.

That is when I stopped listening.

That is when my husband said, “we aren’t interested in that.  Tell us what we need to know about Amy.”
She died later that day.  In my arms, in a room with family and friends.
She didn’t belong to me.
She was only on loan for 4 days.
But the truth is, none of my children belong to me.  They all belong to Him. 
I only get to hold them for a time…sometimes short…4 days…sometimes longer.
I know to whom they really belong.  I know to whom I belong.

And I am OK with that.

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it,
    the world, and all who live in it;
Psalm 24:1


Read more 5 minute Friday posts on BELONG here.

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