I started this blog after much prayer and thought. The Lord laid it on my heart and I prayed about it for almost a year. What was the purpose? Why should I spend my time putting my thoughts on “paper” for others to read? Who would read it and why would they care? Yet, once I finally got started, I often felt inspired. The words just poured out faster than my fingers could type. Lately, not so much. Hence, less posts. However, I do not believe that means that I am to stop blogging. I think I am going through a dry spell…not sure what that means, but I will figure it out eventually….
I do, however, feel compelled to tell you once again about Kristen Armstrong’s book Work in Progress An Unfinished Woman’s Guide to Grace. I have already posted that I get no compensation from commenting on this book. I have just found it incredibly helpful and insightful. If you haven’t already checked it out, hop on over to Amazon and do so.
Lord, thank you for this day. Thank you for the opportunity to write this blog. I don’t know why you want me to do this, but I feel strongly that you do…so I keep at it. I thank you for the Christian women I have met through this blog, although I have never met them, I know they have prayed for me and the desires of my heart, as I have prayed for them. Thank you for that. Thank you for another beautiful day…an opportunity to share my faith with those around me. Help me to reflect your beauty in everything I do or say today.
Thank you, my friend…for stopping by.

I, for one, am so glad that you started blogging. Meeting you has been like meeting someone you knew you were always SUPPOSED TO KNOW. Does that make any sense? smile
I love reading your prayers. I always feel that I am praying them also.
Yes, we have the dry times but then when we least expect it, God's Words come in waves that bless the blogger shore.
I am here and enjoying the tide, the ebb and the flow.
Love you,
You know, sometimes I am so touched by your posts that I have no words to express even gratitude- at least no words that would not seem trite and insufficient in comparison. I wonder continually what the purpose is of a blog! But then I don't have the sheer godliness of contemplation that you capture here. Your posts are teaching. Thank you!
Dianne & magsmcc…I am not sure I have ever responded to a comment on my blog, but I am humbled and touched by YOUR comments. Thank you…your words mean more to me than you know.
I'm so glad you're not stopping, Mary!
You are an encouragement to me, even the music you have on your blog is great. I just want to sit here, and keep listening. 🙂
Thank you Wendy!!
I know God has used your words here and your comments on my blog to bless me! I am grateful for you blog. Keep seeking Him, walking with Him and the words will come 🙂
I'm off to check out that book!
I am so glad that you do blog! I have walked through that dessert and been parched for a cup of joy and have longed to eat at the banquet table but have just not been able to get out of that dry and dusty dessert.
Hang in there as His mercies are new every morning.
I'm so encouraged by your words.
Your love for God shines through very clearly in your writing. I think most bloggers have dry times just like they do at times in their daily life but these usually pass. Without the valleys the mountains wouldn't be so spectacular : Thank you for blogging!