I first met her at a conference about 5 years ago. I had seen her face around the blogging world. I'd read her moving words. I wanted to get to know her but was too afraid to reach out. We had a chance meeting one evening in the lounge. A lounge packed with women. Coffee and cupcakes abounded while the lights were dimmed and stories were shared among friends, both old and new. In a God-ordained moment, she and I ended up on the same couch with several others. A sofa that was meant for three was being shared by more. Sitting on the edge on the edge of the sofa, she captivated me with a story, sharing more than just a sofa.
She shared her story. Her personal journey.
And it was riveting.
She shared how the Lord broke her down to bring her up. Taking her to the depths of her very self so she could learn that to be made whole, she had to let Him fill the holes in her soul and the process allowed her to reflect his holiness. It was a deep and intimate conversation that night. One that I revisit in my mind quite often. She wrote a devotional book about that journey and I bought it. A Lenten devotional that is new every time I use it. It is called Holey, Wholly, Holy: A Lenten Journey of Refinement.
Her name is Kris Camealy and today she releases her second devotional. An Advent devotional that I have had the pleasure of reading. It, too, is one that I will visit more that once.
It is called Come, Lord Jesus: The Weight of Waiting.
While Advent is a few weeks off, it isn't too early to be prepared for the season of waiting.
It isn't too early to order the book so you have it when Advent arrives.
It isn't too early to prepare our hearts for the birth of the Savior.
In her new book she writes, "Cleaning our homes and adorning them with decorations, we prepare for the season, but these are only exterior representations of the interior work of the Holy Spirit who works inside of each of us, cleaning out our hearts and making room for Jesus to dwell. The waiting during Advent reminds us of how desperately we need a Savior. Advent reminds us of how dark it is, without His Light."
It is easy for me to get swallowed up in all the "stuff" that goes with the holiday season. The parties,the shopping, the gifts, the wrapping, the decorating, the baking...etc. While I have simplified in recent years, I still struggle to really focus on the waiting during Advent. This book has already made a difference and I look forward to reading it again when Advent officially starts.
I have had seasons of waiting in my life. I don't wait well, but I am learning from Kris through this book, through her testimony, and through my own experiences. Today on her blog she writes, "Because waiting is never as passive as we think it is. God is never still. He is always at work in our waiting."
As I am in a season of waiting, I am watching him work in my life while I wait. Are you waiting? Can you see him working?
Head over to Kris' blog to read this post and enter her giveaway. You can order the book on Amazon.
Kris is also the founder of Grace Table. A blog on hospitality, faith, and food. I occasionally share my thoughts there. If you haven't visited there, then check it out.
I am trying to find an article or book (?) you wrote titled Advent: waiting listening, and hearing. I cannot find this. Can you help? My wife wants to use it for a women’s Advent study.
I will email you the link.