He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed,

miracles that cannot be counted.
Job 5:9
Wonders…they are all around me…wonders in what I see…wonders in what I do…wonders in what I hear…wonders performed by Him…ALL performed by Him. 
These pictures were taken in Yellowstone National Park in June of 2008.  Nature is just one of the many wonders I encounter every day.  I think this is called Yellowstone Falls…absolutely breathtaking…and this picture doesn’t do it justice!

This is Old Faithful…I was fortunate enough to actually get a picture when it was “doing it’s thing!”

Sometimes I wonder…why God is so good to me? …why is He so good to His children? It is because he LOVES me.  He LOVES us.
Lord, thank you for the wonder of your love.  For the way you manifest it in my life and for the way you manifest it in the nature around me.  The birds, the trees, the sun, the rain, the tears, the laughter, the joy, the sadness…the peace that comes from knowing YOU.  Knowing YOU are in charge, knowing YOU care for me, knowing YOU care for those I love.  For Jesus your son you sent to the cross to bear my sins and rose again that I might have eternal life…Lord, I cannot begin to thank you for the way you have blessed me, for the way you have shown me in the midst of all that is going on that YOU are there.  You are waiting for me to let you lead me through this busy time.  Thank you, Lord, for the wonder of all you do.
Friends, I don’t know how long it will last…but I have a peace about all the chaos going on around me and I am so thankful…THAT is my Wednesday Wonder…what is yours?
May you experience God’s peace in your life today…


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