It rained today.
At times it rained very hard.
Coming down in sheets so thick you could hardly see through them. If you were walking in the rain it would wrap around you like cotton bed sheets after a night of tossing and turning because you couldn’t sleep. You can’t just get out of bed, you have to untangle yourself.
That is how hard it rained. If you got caught in it, then you would need to change your clothes…all the way down to your underwear.
Sometimes life is like that. Things happen that gets us all tangled up.
It is hard to move. It is hard to function.
Things are distorted. It is hard to see clearly.
It is times like this that I have to remember who is in control.
I have to remember who is in charge.
He’s got this…as my friend Deidra once told me. When I remember that He’s got this, then I can relax.
Even though I can’t see clearly, I can trust that He is working…so I will wait.
And be patient.
And see what He has in store for me.
Even though at times, I feel like I am caught in a downpour.
How about you…are you experiencing sunshine or rain????

My poor Mary Kate got caught in this yesterday when the bus dropped her off. (long story) She was drenched and crying. Broke my heart.