It started snowing yesterday afternoon.  It continued through the night and this morning there are about 8″ on my deck.  I took this photograph last night, just before I went to bed.
See the pieces of snow on the window?  I thought that was so interesting. 

Random flakes collecting in random groups on the window.

But maybe there is nothing really RANDOM about it at all.  Maybe it was planned.  Planned to fall from the sky and collect on the window so that I could see the beauty of it.
I believe He has a plan for me…
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11
And he has one for you too.
Will I allow him to do His work in my life this year?
Will I allow him to control my heart, my tongue, my life?  Or will I try to take the wheel and drive life’s highway with him in the passenger seat?
I am contemplating these things while I start this new year.
Quick update…
my parents are 90 and 91 and their birthdays are in February.  The week before Thanksgiving my dad fell and cracked his pelvis.  He was in the hospital, then rehab, back in the hospital with pneumonia, then back in rehab.  He went home on Christmas Eve.  John, Andy and I drove to visit them on 12/26 and returned home on 12/31.  (It is approximately a 20 hour drive.)  Thus, I have not posted since just before Christmas.  My dad need help going to the bathroom, getting in and out of a chair, pushing the wheelchair…basically everything except feeding himself.  And he has the beginnings of Alzheimer’s disease.  He requires constant care and attention and this is falling to two of my brothers (each living 90 minutes or further away) until we can get help arranged. 
This is one of those instances in life when I am remembering that God has a plan.  I don’t know what it is…I don’t know what it looks like…but I know there is one.
Just like the snow on the window, my life, your life and Daddy’s life is ordained by God and planned by him.
I have to trust that…
Even when I don’t “get it”, He does.
Even when I don’t understand it, He does.
Even when I don’t think I can do it any longer, I don’t have to because He will hold my hand.
For I am the Lord your God
    who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you,
Do not fear; I will help you.
Isaiah 41:13
(emphasis mine)
Lord, I am trusting that you will work in the situation with my parents.  I am praying that Daddy doesn’t have to suffer…that you will take him home peacefully and quietly.  I realize that might not be your plan, so please help me to accept your plan and your will in this situation.  Thank you, Lord, for the time I got to spend with my parents and my family.
I feel like I have been in a vacuum since just before Christmas.  I wanted to do a recap of 2013 post…I may still do that next week.  And I have some things on my heart for this blog, but I am still fleshing them out.  Thank you for your patience and faithfulness.
What random snowflakes are collecting in your life that
really are not random at all?


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